Neck Lift in Boca Raton, FL


Neck Lift in Boca Raton, FL

Aging neck takes away from any face youthfulness, no matter how minimal these changes are.  Minimal changes in neck adds unnecessarily years to a patient and distracts from the overall facial appearance.

There are however number of popular nonsurgical options.

  • Vform and Reaction:

These are radiofrequency energy devices that help to tighten the skin. The results are mild and patient like these no-downtime features. It takes short time to perform and the results show after 3-6 treatments two weeks apart.

In some cases, the skin of the neck is also mildly to moderately loose.

Radiofrequency over and under the skin can enhance these results. Skin creams including Retin-A, Alpha Hydroxy acids, antioxidants and sunblock can improve the overall neck appearance.

In some cases, the skin of the neck is also mildly to moderately loose.


Botox and other similar neurochemicals like Xeomin, have a role at reducing the vertical lines created by strong platysma muscles that show up through the skin. Younger and sometimes even older patients with mild laxity and poor jawline are very good candidates.


Fillers help as they fill up the pre-jowl areas, reduce the appearance of jowls thereby making the contour of neck look much better.

4) Kybella

Kybella is a new FDA cleared injectable treatment that works by dissolving the extra hated fat in the area under the chin(submental), and improve the so called double chin. Kybella requires between 2-4 treatments, spaced 4-6 weeks apart.

There are no miracle or magic treatments. To improve the appearance of the neck it is necessary to induce some healing response to the treatments.

5)Combination treatments

In some cases, the skin of the neck is also mildly to moderately loose.

Here radiofrequency over and under the skin can enhance these results. Skin creams including Retin-A, Alpha Hydroxy acids, antioxidants and sunblock can improve the overall neck appearance



In most cases the none surgical options for neck lift may not be as effective as surgery and patients need to know about this fact.

Turkey necks, loose skin are anatomical problems that occur due to heredity and aging process. As such, in order to get worthwhile, long lasting and nice contour surgery is the best option

When performed expertly by a board certified plastic surgeon, a neck lift can give a youthful appearance with excellent contour, younger and refined properly.

Neck irregularities include;

1)Too much neck fat

2)Excess skin sagging

3)Turkey gobblers

There are various forms of neck lift;

1)Platysma muscle repair

A small incision is made under the chin and the loose neck muscle bands are identified and connected together giving the nice tight look that was missing. Sometimes adding some suction lipectomy, the excess fat goes away and the wrinkles improve

2)Neck lift

This procedure can be done with or without muscle repair. Incisions are made behind the ear with or without incision under the chin.

In cases where there is a tighter skin, a suction lipectomy alone or with laser can give very nice shape and produce skin tightening. This method is minimally invasive and can produce dramatic results defining better the border between the jawline and the neck. The patient enjoys also quick recovery 24-36 hours. It is a limited procedure which is great for patients not interested in a full neck lift.

Patients who have loose skin and too much fat, requires tightening of the skin and fat removal and contouring of the underlying neck muscles.

The beauty of the end results depends on creation of proper incisions, without too much tension delivering a natural result with no residual signs that there was surgery.