Tickle Lipo Slurped Away My Belly Fat, And That Makes Me Smile

Tickle Lipo in Boca Raton, FL

A couple of years ago, I finally decided it was time to get rid of the jelly roll around my waistline. So for six months straight, I hit the gym 5 days a week, training hard. I’d run with the tread mill, climb with the eliptical trainer, and passionately executed every abdominal exercise in the known universe to flatten my stomach.

I also changed my eating habits. There were no more late night doughnut runs to the supermarket. Just a lot more kale shakes.

Tickle Lipo in Boca Raton, FL

But I wasn’t getting any results. My mid section still resembled a fat tire.

So a friend recommended I get a tickle liposuction procedure to get rid of my excess fat. The surgery left me giggling with satisfaction. Turns out Tickle Liposuction works better than other types of liposuction because it not only shortened my recovery time, but it is also relatively painless.

My doctor told me Tickle Liposuction utilizes a cannula that is activated by air pressure, causing a whirling movement and gentle vibrations that feels like someone is tickling your tummy. Indeed, I was gurgling like a happy baby throughout the surgery.

The cannula works miracles, suctioning fat in a way that leaves blood vessels intact and produces less trauma to the fat cells. Had I wanted to, I could have used excess fat to plump up my booty.

Another benefit of Tickle Liposuction is that I walked out of the doctor’s office with minimal bruising since the procedure doesn’t use heat like other liposuction methods that require laser or ultrasound energy. I was in and out of the operating room in a relatively short amount of time. And I was back at work two days after the procedure.

Today, I no longer have love handles dropping over my waistline. I look in the mirror and grin from ear to ear knowing tickle liposuction fixed what countless hours of gym time could not accomplish.

Tickle Lipo turned me from a fatso to a lean, mean, exercising machine. And now I’m not so embarrassed to be seen at the gym. And I look like I go there all the time.