Non-Cosmetic Benefits of Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty in Boca Raton, FL

It is a given that most people get a nose job, or rhinoplasty, for cosmetic reasons. They want to look better and more attractive by making their nose smaller, straighter or narrower. There are, however, non-cosmetic benefits to having such a procedure, the most common being elevated self esteem and improved confidence. This might then lead to better relationships, better jobs and an overall happier future.

However, rhinoplasty has other valuable benefits independent of improved looks. There are people who are recommended for a nose job not because their nose is physically unattractive but because it is deformed in such a way that it creates an obstruction only surgery can fix. The fact that they might end up with a nicer, more aesthetic nose is simply a bonus side effect of the procedure. Even if the main purpose of the nose job is cosmetic, it can relieve non-cosmetic problems, such as the following:

Deviated septum

A septum is the little wall that separates the two sides of your nose. It should be located exactly in the middle so that the sides are even and each takes in an equal amount of air. When the septum is off-center, or deviated, one side of your nose may be bigger than the other, and the smaller side takes in less air. This can cause difficulty with breathing through your nose, frequent nosebleeds, sinus pressure, infections and headaches. Rhinoplasty can correct that by placing the septum in the center. Without the obstruction of a deviated septum, you will breathe easier and get rid of the related sinus pain and pressure.

Sleep apnea 

Sleep apnea is a when you stop breathing periodically in your sleep. One cause of this is an obstruction of the nasal airways. Rhinoplasty can improve airflow and clear the nasal passages. This will make it easier to breathe and can reduce the occurrence of sleep apnea, which can be fatal in extreme cases.


Quite naturally, better breathing means better sleep uninterrupted by snoring. This will improve the quality of your sleep and make you feel more rested in the morning. It will also improve sleep for your spouse and others in the household who may be kept awake by your loud snoring.


While rhinoplasty does not necessarily cure allergies, it can relieve the chronic symptoms of allergy sufferers. Allergies cause inflammation and irritation of the nasal passages, preventing proper breathing, causing nose drips and other discomforts. Rhinoplasty can widen the nasal passages to reduce irritation, swelling and pain.

Rhinoplasty can make a world of difference to not just your physical appearance but your emotional and physical health, as well.