Finding the Appropriate Doctor to Manage Cases of Melasma and Rosacea
Melasma and rosacea are two peculiar skin disorders with unknown causes. Their idiopathic etiologies don’t make the disease unmanageable and the damage irreparable, though. To help you find quality treatment for melasma and rosacea, it’s important that you familiarize yourself with what each skin disorder is all about, and the possible ways to address them.
Melasma is seen in many women in their reproductive years usually between 20 to 50 years old. It is characterized by patchy brown, tan, or blue-gray discolorations of the facial skin, typically on the upper cheeks, upper lip, forehead, and chin. Although uncommon, cases of males suffering from melasma are also reported.
The exact cause of melasma remains unknown to the medical science community. Experts believe that there are several factors that contribute to the formation of melasma, including pregnancy, contraceptive use, hormone replacement therapy, anti-seizure medications, too much sun exposure, and genetics. The disease is also more common in tropical climates.
While melasma may clear spontaneously by itself, there are numerous treatments available for you to choose from. For one, you can use creams that contain tretinon, kojic, and azeleic acid as an in-home treatment. Chemical peels, microdermabrasions, and laser therapies also work on some cases of melasma.
Rosacea is a chronic skin disorder characterized by flare-ups or remissions of the facial skin. As of 2010, there have been 45 million reported cases of rosacea worldwide, with Caucasians accounting for most cases. The primary symptoms of rosacea include reddish or pinkish patches on the skin; visible, tiny broken blood vessels; small red, acne-like bumps; and pink or irritated eyes. While there is no definitive cure for rosacea as of the moment, it can be easily managed and medically treated.
A course of oral antibiotics is the most common treatment for rosacea. However, because signs and symptoms vary greatly with each patient, treatments must be specific to each case. Skin cleansers, laser and intense light treatments, and sunscreens are also used to treat rosacea.
Finding a good doctor is important in managing cases of these two diseases. Because of the peculiarity of both skin disorders, it’s best that you consult board-certified experts in skin rejuvenation like Dr. Daniel Man, M.D. to help you diagnose your problem properly and provide you with the necessary treatment.