How to Tell if You Are a Candidate for Plastic Surgery
Plastic surgery is not for everyone. Before you rush off to go under the knife, make sure you give the matter the serious thought and consideration it deserves. After all, in addition to subjecting you to the common risks associated with any surgery, plastic surgery changes your physical appearance. You have to be sure you are prepared for what may be a drastic change and, at the same time, that you have realistic expectations regarding the outcome.
Here are some factors to consider in determining whether you are a good candidate for plastic surgery:
Financial status
Plastic surgery can be very expensive, so make sure you can afford it. Don’t make a rash, hasty decision that can create a financial burden. If you cannot pay for the procedure outright or work out a payment plan that comfortably fits your budget, you should probably wait until you are financially stable enough to go through with it.
If you practice healthy living and don’t have a serious medical condition like heart disease or diabetes, you might be a good candidate for plastic surgery. Having a medical condition or taking certain medications, such as, for example, blood thinners, can increase certain risks like infection, blood loss, blood clots and glucose imbalance. It can also slow down the healing process. An ideal cosmetic procedure candidate should have a healthy diet, maintain a healthy weight, not smoke and avoid excessive alcohol consumption.
Emotional security
If you are a confident individual who seeks to fix an imperfection, understands the risks of surgery and has realistic expectations regarding results, you are probably in the right frame of mind for the procedure. However, if you are expecting the surgery to improve your life, solve your problems and make you happy, you are likely heading for disappointment. Don’t look to surgery as a solution for low self-esteem or emotional insecurity. This can lead to an unhealthy obsession and perpetual discouragement.
Ask yourself why you are considering plastic surgery and who you are doing it for. If your significant other complains your nose is too big or your breasts are too small, but you have always been okay with the size of both, you should tell your significant other to deal with it or move on. Don’t have surgery to satisfy someone else’s ideal of what you should look like. If you’re going to do it, do it for yourself, not to make someone else happy.
Finally, before making your final decision regarding plastic surgery, talk to your surgeon about your medical history, risks involved and the likelihood of successfully meeting your expectations.